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IASIS Microcurrent Neurofeedback in Murrieta, Temecula

patient during a neurofeedback sessionWe are so excited to begin offering IASIS Microcurrent Neurofeedback at Trailhead Family Chiropractic! If you’ve been a patient of ours for any length of time, you might have come to the realization for yourself that “Chiropractic is totally amazing!” It’s fast-acting-and gets to the root of your problem better than anything else you may have experienced.

IASIS Microcurrent Neurofeedback (or IASIS MCN) is an invaluable asset to helping the brain and nervous system regulate itself more efficiently. It does so by sending gentle signals to the brain, which assist the brain’s detoxification pathways (called metabolic clearance.)

So why add anything else to your care? We’ve noticed that people are more stressed than ever before, and the rate of stress coming into their lives has increased dramatically, especially our school-aged kids.

Adding neurofeedback to our Murrieta office doesn’t replace chiropractic care;
it complements it by unlocking new potential in recovery time.

There are several forms of neurofeedback. Most take 30-45 minutes per session, require the patient to look at a screen and interact, and can take upward of 20+ sessions to see any significant results. IASIS’ MCN neurofeedback type is different: a session only takes roughly 7 minutes, is passive (no interaction required,) and patients typically start seeing results in as little as 1-3 sessions! Because we can see a high volume of people, we can also offer it cheaper than most other neurofeedback offices in the area.

IASIS’ MCN neurofeedback core value of hormesis or “less is more” resonates with our approach to chiropractic care. Why? The nervous system responds best with minimal amounts of input.

Talking to patient

Who Can It Help?

There’s a long list of patients who we have seen benefit from MCN neurofeedback; such as those suffering from:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • ADHD
  • Neurodevelopmental delays
  • Autoimmune disorders

Combining Chiropractic & IASIS

Ultimately, chiropractic care at Trailhead Family Chiropractic should be your first step towards optimum wellness. It simplifies the journey of health and healing leaps and bounds! In fact, chiropractic alone can be the root cause behind many of those same issues (anxiety, depression, neurodevelopmental delays, autoimmune disorders, sleep challenges, headaches and migraines, TBI and other brain injuries.)

But in those certain situations where more care is needed to specifically target the brain, IASIS MCN neurofeedback should be your next step!


Non-member pricing is $125/session, but if purchased in a package of 10 you get the 11th free (a savings of $125.)

Member pricing is $100/session or purchase a package of ten and get the 11th free.

Get Started Today

See if neurofeedback should be your next step. Contact us today to schedule an appointment; we’re open late!



Neurofeedback Murrieta, Temecula CA | (951) 470-2645