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Meet Dr. Chris Boman

Dr. Chris BomanDr. Chris is passionate about providing the members of the Murrieta community with cutting-edge treatment at his wellness care center. At Trailhead Family Chiropractic we offer a unique chiropractic experience, specializing in customized, compassionate care for babies, kids, and moms-to-be. We also emphasize the needs of special population children, including those with Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy and ADHD.

My Vision: People find chiropractic before having to say: “I wish I would have known sooner”

My Mission: Lead families on a journey to discover their God given health potential and cultivate a community thriving in the chiropractic lifestyle.

A Destiny Fulfilled

“I’ve been going to chiropractors since the age of 7, and that was really because of my sister. She suffered from chronic ear infections, asthma, and allergies, and after years of illness and medications, chiropractic care is what helped her to heal.” Dr. Chris has always pursued athleticism and found that he consistently felt his best and performed well on the field when he received regular adjustments. “By high school, I knew I wanted chiropractic to be my profession.”

A Passion Is Born

After completing his undergraduate studies, Dr. Chris attended Southern California University of Health Sciences in Los Angeles, earning a Doctor of Chiropractic degree. While still in training, he went to a seminar about special populations: kids suffering from a multitude of neurological problems that make them unique. Something the presenter said changed the course of his life: “I can’t imagine how frightening it must be for children to be locked out of a world they want to be a part of.” From that moment on, Dr. Chris decided that he wanted to be a light and hope for these children and their families, knowing that he could be instrumental in recovering, correcting and optimizing their nervous system function.

Dr Boman and his family

A Personal Story

“When my wife was pregnant, I adjusted her regularly. She’s a petite woman, but throughout her pregnancy, she never had back pain, sciatica or any other problems. When our baby Rosie was born, the obstetrician was too forceful in the delivery, and I could tell that Rosie was in distress. She wouldn’t stop crying. When the doctor finally left the room 30 minutes later, I gave Rosie her first gentle adjustment. It took her all of two seconds to stop crying. She began to latch, and then peacefully fell asleep.”

Because Dr. Chris knows how powerful chiropractic can be for pregnant moms and children alike, he’s taken the time for extensive postgraduate study. He’s a Webster certified practitioner and has a Diplomate in Chiropractic Pediatrics from the ICPA.

Outside the Office

Dr. Chris loves spending time outdoors and is an avid camper and hiker. He also enjoys creating good food for his family.

We love families and take total delight in seeing our patients living lives of abundant health. Contact our office today; we’re open late and accept same-day appointments!


Dr. Chris Boman | (951) 470-2645